Smile Direct Club Review

So I’m not going to be the first to admit that I didn’t always wear my retainer like the orthodontist urged me to. After years (and I mean almost five years) wearing braces I thought I would be fine.

Turns out I was terribly wrong when my roommate “misplaced” my retainers that were lying around in their case in the. bathroom one day.

While I didn’t immediately notice it, my teeth made a definitely shift that left me moderately self conscious after I spent so much time in braces! I decided to give Smile Direct Club a try and here’s what I can honestly say:

It works.

Maybe not as quickly as one would like but it works. You should definitely get evaluated by an orthodontist or dentist prior to treatment. Also, this helps give you a realistic scale of how long you would really need treatment. When I considered getting braces again I was quoted it would take a year. When I went to Smile Direct Club they quoted only four months. Turns out I needed at least three rounds of revisions in order to even get the results I wanted. Which brings me to my next point.


More than likely, regardless of how simply your fix may seem, you’re more than likely going to need revisions. Which are ok! I highly recommend going into the Smile Shop if possible. I found that I got more accurate impressions and better results than using the mail-in impression kit.

Overall, my teeth are straight, white, and perfect again. At a fraction of the cost.


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